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10 Things That Really Annoy Customers

Posted on: January 21st, 2016 by admin No Comments

Attention Salespeople: Avoid doing these 10 things because you’ll annoy a lot of prospects and customers.

No. 1: Saying there isn’t any competition

There’s rarely a product or service that doesn’t have competition. Just about every industry has some form of competitive products and services.

No. 2: Claiming that their product or service is the next iPhone

It’s good to show passion and enthusiasm for your product. But it’s also good to be realistic when talking to customers. Don’t make outrageous claims when talking about your product. A customer can see right through exaggerations.

No. 3: Saying the product or service is ‘selling like hot cakes’

There’s no need to talk about demand because customers don’t care. What influences customers is need. The only thing demand influences are the quantity of the purchases. Stick to how the product or service will help people.

No. 4: Selling products or services that a customer can’t use

Don’t waste your time selling products or services customers can’t use. For example, don’t try selling a snowplow to someone who lives in San Deigo. You’re wasting the customer’s time and your time.

No. 5: Failing to personalize correspondence to customers

No one likes getting a letter or email addressed to “Sir” or “Home Owner.” It makes the correspondence look like junk mail that everyone gets. If you want skyrocketing results, personalize letters and emails with the names of customers.

No. 6: Constantly pestering customers with phone calls and emails

When selling, be patient. Customers don’t like salespeople who are constantly bothering them and putting pressure on them to buy. If you want to sell more, take the time to find out a customer’s schedule. That way you’re not contacting them at bad times.

No. 7: Trying to be a comedian

Being the class clown never worked with the teachers in school. It doesn’t work when you’re selling either. Trying to be funny or cute rarely works on customers. Many of them get annoyed with the bad jokes. Customers want to know how your products and services can help them. Most customers are busy, so you’ll want to stick to the important facts. There’s no time for jokes or cuteness.

No. 8: Deceiving customers to get information or a meeting

If there’s one thing customers hate, it is liars. Customers even hate salespeople who slightly smudge the truth. Be honest when trying to generate interest in your products and services. Stick to explaining why customers need your products and services. You’ll have better results.

No. 9: Acting like a ‘know-it-all’ or having a terrible attitude

Nobody likes a know-it-all. So don’t act like you’re superior to the customer. Customers aren’t going to buy from you if you act that way. It’s better to be polite when selling. Listen to the customer and focus on their problems and issues. This is not the time or place to vent about your problems.

No. 10: Acting like a used car salesperson

Customers want a salesperson that acts like a normal person. They don’t want someone who is “fake” and over-sells. They don’t want someone who uses fancy jargon or catch phrases to sell. Customers want someone who will be straight with them. They want someone who speaks like John Wayne, straight-forward in plain English (and sometimes even Spanish). Talk to them like you would talk to a friend or family member, you’ll be surprised with the results.

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